
Archive for February, 2008

Design Inspiration

Where do you get your design ideas from? I know there are LOTS of you out there who just don’t knit or crochet exactly what the pattern says. You change the color, change the yarn, change the length, change a stitch… But since all of us are bombarded with design motifs all around us, I thought I’d do a bit of an experiment.

My husband and I stayed at the Washington Square Hotel in NYC the weekend before Christmas – a kind-of mini-vacation that enabled us to spend a pre-Christmas with my daughter and her family in Brooklyn. Around the hotel there are a gazillion design inspirations. All I had to do was stop to look at them with totally different eyes. It actually makes you appreciate very normally boring things like brick walls, tiles, iron gates, etc. It’s actually quite Zen….

So my self-imposed mission was to photograph design inspirations within a 3 block radius of the hotel. Here are just a few observations:

Bricks = Entrelac

bricks Birdwing
Archway = fan stitch.

arch Aqua Aloha Top

So have fun and have a fresh, new look at your environment! It’ll change the way you look at your knit and crochet projects forever!

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